How to Properly Use Packing Boxes

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How to Properly Use Packing Boxes

How to Properly Use Packing Boxes

Packing cardboard boxes or crates may seem like an easy, simple task. However, there are many things that can go wrong unless the proper packing methods are employed. That is why we created this guide How to Properly Use Packing Boxes. A properly packed box will hold its contents safely in place until it reaches its destination.

Professional movers recommend that you purchase new corrugated cardboard boxes for your move. Since the safety of your belongings is top priority, you will have to set a budget for packing supplies as well as a professional mover. For starters, be sure that your box is able to support the weight of its contents. The ideal box will be rigid and in perfect condition without damaged corners, rips and punctures.

Movers agree that packing a box up to professional standards is an art in itself.  First of all, check the bottom of the box and use duct tape or wide sticky tape to make sure that it doesn’t collapse under the weight of the contents. In the case of breakables, it is very important to make sure that the items don’t collide with each other during the move. Stuff the box with crumpled newspaper, dishtowels, clothing or bubble wrap to stop any shifting.

Picking the right sized box for the right contents is very important. Choosing a very large box for a small yet very heavy item will only result in wasted space and higher chances of damage during the move. Instead, decide on which items will go in each box and choose the box accordingly. You can always try to fit items within the box to prevent them from moving about as well as to maximize the available space. Take note that boxes that are too large and too heavy will not only be difficult to lift but may cause the content to spill out through a collapsed bottom. Generally, it is advised to refrain from packing boxes that are over 20kg in weight.

When you have to pack items that come in different weights, it is always best to place the heavier items at the bottom and the lighter ones at the top. While this may seem like common sense, this is one of those overlooked moving mistakes that can result in damaged belongings. Once again, making sure that the items are stacked to fit each other will help prevent shifts and the lighter items being shifted to the bottom during a bumpy ride.

Once the boxes are properly packed, be sure to tape them up and to label them for easy unpacking.

Moving in the Right Direction!

Willie’s Storage & Transfer

1320 53rd St.

West Palm Beach, FL 33407


Author: Kathy Long