Tips For A Moving Day Checklist

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Tips For A Moving Day Checklist

Tips For A Moving Day Checklist

Moving day tends to be quite stressful even when you have employed the best movers to do the job. Regardless of the quality of the movers, there are many things that can go wrong on moving day until every detail is properly organized. Here, we have some great tips from the best movers on minimizing the chaos and making things easy for everyone on moving day. That is why we created these Tips For A Moving Day Checklist.

1. Keep anything you don’t want to load separated
When it comes to relocation, it is highly unlikely that you will allow your movers to handle every single item in the house. For instance, things like important documents, essentials for a few days and anything of personal value will need to be kept separately and ideally, moved by yourself to avoid loss last minute drama.

2. Pack a box of essential items
This package should contain anything and everything you will need to spend your first day at the new house without having to unpack a dozen boxes. A change of clothes, toothbrushes, food items, children’s supplies and pet supplies is best not packed with your furniture and household items as you will need to access them easily upon reaching your new home.

3. Clean the house
It is very important that you remove any flammable items and trash before moving day. It is guaranteed that a great deal of packing material off-cuts, bits of paper and other debris will add up. Unless you clear away hour household garbage well before moving day, the pile will only be bigger and more difficult to handle with all the excitement going on. It is also important to clean the attic and basement along with the crawlspace.

4. Reserve good parking for the movers
This is especially important for those who live in congested areas. While your movers might not complain about the heavy lifting if they have to park away from your home, the hard work will be added to the final bill, resulting in an unexpected expense.

5. Clear the way
The idea is to make sure that it your movers are allowed a safe and easy passage to carry your items to the truck. Be sure to remove floor mats, potted plants and disconnect screen door springs to keep it open during the loading.

In addition, be sure to keep all paperwork at hand and to double check everything with your movers. Check the house, the rooms, cupboard, drawers and the garage for anything you may have left behind by accident.

Willie’s Storage & Transfer

1320 53rd St.

West Palm Beach, FL 33407


Author: Kathy Long